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Didactic, Pandemic, Anxiety, Mental health


The pandemic scenario has ceased face-to-face university activities, demanding other forms of pedagogical organization. Thus, this research analyzed - from the perspective of students enrolled in the Didactics component of undergraduate courses at federal and state universities in Brazil - the remote teaching, taking into account the conditions of students to participate in the activities and the specificities of the teaching of Didactics. This is a quanti/qualitative research, of empirical approach, in which an online questionnaire was used for data collection. The analytical focus was on the emotional aspects, the psychological impacts/effects of the pandemic in the students’ daily lives and its repercussions/implications in the educational processes. The results indicated an increase in anxiety and depression, and insecurity regarding the professional future. These conditions call for didactics to reorganize the learning environment considering the different forms of mediation.


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How to Cite

NÖRNBERG, L.; BORTOLAZZO, S. F. WHAT DO STUDENTS IN THE TEACHING COMPONENT REPORT ABOUT MENTAL HEALTH?. Formação Docente – Revista Brasileira de Pesquisa sobre Formação de Professores, [S. l.], v. 16, n. 35, p. e709, 2024. DOI: 10.31639/rbpfp.v16.i35.e709. Disponível em: https://revformacaodocente.com.br./index.php/rbpfp/article/view/e709. Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.