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With the advance of the right wing in Brazil in the last decade, associated with necropolitics and biopolitics, it is possible to observe a growing malaise among teachers. In this article, we offer a theoretical study of these phenomena, starting with a historical consideration of the right-wing success in Brazil and in the world, and covering concepts and reflections on biopolitical and necropolitical strategies of subjectivation. We also present some reflections about resistance strategies in teacher education processes based on Paulo Freire's thought. The inferences obtained from this study show, among other issues, that education and teacher training are important spaces of political dispute today and that teacher’s bodies have proved to be a battleground, suffering considerable damage, thus demanding attention and care.


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How to Cite

BAIONI DO NASCIMENTO, R.; DÍAZ, B. .; MARIA TEIXEIRA AMORIM, M. . TEACHER MALAISE, RIGHT-WING ADVANCE AND NECROPOLITICS IN BRAZIL: REFLECTIONS FOR TEACHER TRAINING. Formação Docente – Revista Brasileira de Pesquisa sobre Formação de Professores, [S. l.], v. 14, n. 31, p. 31–44, 2022. DOI: 10.31639/rbpfp.v14i31.643. Disponível em: https://revformacaodocente.com.br./index.php/rbpfp/article/view/643. Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.