Por uma nova epistemologia do ensino de filosofia no ensino médio: mediações sobre o cotidiano em Wittgenstein e em Deleuze


  • Fábio Antonio Gabriel Rede Estadual do Paraná de Filosofia
  • Ana Lúcia Pereira Baccon UEPG
  • Mauricio Silva Alves Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana
  • Tatiane Skeika Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa


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Philosophy, Deleuze, Wittgenstein


The present work has as scope the analysis of the educational scenario of Brazil, with emphasis on the formation of the professor of philosophy of High School. The act of teaching Philosophy requires an epis-temological shift, namely: the exercise of reconsideration of everyday life as a philosophical category, that is, the subjective capacity for openness to new situations, new worlds hitherto banished from the epis-temological discourse inherent in teaching, and consequently displacing The teachers of the pole of their epistemological certainties - that proposes the dogmatic prescription of the route of the right paths for a philosophy class - to the pole of the student of the high school that is unavailable for the philosophy. In this perspective, the student of the course in Philosophy must have clarity that in the classroom, at the juncture of his profession, only the heap of didactic theories and propositions will not suffice for the contribution of an effective learning of the Their future. And also, the pedagogical knowledge should not be separated from the philosophical knowledge, but complementary to each other in the daily life of the professor of philosophy. The problematic field, open to everyday life as a philosophical category in Wittgenstein and Deleuze, requires an investigation that leads us to the meaning it produces. A paradox is thus presented: the subject makes use of his past experiences both to produce and to organize events through a cause and effect relationship that fails to contain the whole universe of daily life, a necessary condition for adequate temporal experience , That is, an experience that brings to those who exercise it, a simultaneity of times for the production of meanings. Meaning, then, is the expressed event itself; it is the result of what is produced by the breaking of common sense, of metaphysical propositions, forcing a new signification of the possible, that is, every day as an event, which opens history and The epistemology sucking everything so that it revolves around itself, thus generating a new way of Teaching Philosophy.



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How to Cite

GABRIEL, F. A.; BACCON, A. L. P.; ALVES, M. S.; SKEIKA, T. Por uma nova epistemologia do ensino de filosofia no ensino médio: mediações sobre o cotidiano em Wittgenstein e em Deleuze. Formação Docente – Revista Brasileira de Pesquisa sobre Formação de Professores, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 17, p. 53–66, 2017. DOI: 10.31639/rbpfp.v9i17.151. Disponível em: https://revformacaodocente.com.br./index.php/rbpfp/article/view/151. Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.


